Over 30 Years working in the Special Education Field/Autism field

- 30 Years working in the Special Education/Reading Field and Autism
- Massachusetts K-3 Early Childhood Education Students With and Without Disabilities Professional Certification
- Massachusetts Moderate Special Needs Professional Certification K-12
- Massachusetts READING All Professional Certification K-12
- Orton Gillingham Certification
- Wilson Fundations
- Wilson Overview
Private practice, Educational Resolutions, LLC.
Educational Resolutions, LLC Consults schools/clients on various reading programs and approaches, implement remedial tutorial services, administer educational assessments, formal and informal, complete post-secondary planning for learning disabled students, Advocates for students with special needs, social competence and daily living skills for adults and children with Autism.
Mary O’Connor, M.Ed. and Educational Resolutions LLC Facilitates sessions for children and adults with Autism and Learning Challenges. Ms. O’Connor has worked with individuals with Autism and disabilities for over 30 years to help clients achieve their personal best potential in all aspects of reading, social skills, daily living skills and independence.
Consulting Autism Doctor for Educational Resolutions, Dr. Gagan Joshi, is the Director of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Program in the Pediatric Psychopharmacology Clinical and Research Program and Medical Director of the Bressler Program at Mass General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts.Dr. Joshi’s research has been critical in the progression of information in Autism. His work with high functioning ASD has been extremely significant in understanding the traits in ASD.
Additional Experience
Brockton Juvenile District Court
Educational Advocate/Guardian Ad Litem
- Educational Resolutions LLC advises individual cases on special education laws and rights, creates Individual Education Plans (IEP) acceptable to all parties, takes on the role as Educational Surrogate Parent as needed, presents judges reports stating the facts investigated in relation to all parties. Contracted for the Guardian Ad Litem and Educational Advocate for the students in the DCF system due to a care and protection order or a CHINS. Advocates for their educational needs through their local school district. File appeals when necessary to the Special Education Board of Appeals at the Department of Education if the school district disagrees on a placement or any Individual Education Plan issues. Advocates for the child’s best interests. In some cases have become appointed as their educational-decision maker with legal educational signing rights.
- Currently works in collaboration with Dr. Gagan Joshi at The Bressler Clinic for Autism at Massachusetts General Hospital for formulating social competency for adults and children with Autism
- Educational Resolutions LLC has a reading specialist on staff that has:
- Maintained a caseload of over forty students that required remedial reading services according to their individual needs through teaching phonics, literature, language and reading awareness skills. Created and implemented in-service training for staff in reading procedures. Selected curriculum regarding reading and English language arts. Created goals and objectives for I.E.P.’s, as well as participated in I.E.P. meetings giving valuable input regarding students’ reading needs.
- Educational Resolutions LLC’s, Mary O’Connor M.Ed., has been a college reading professor that has the experience of being an:
- Instructor of developmental reading and study skills for the Language and Literature Department. Instructed a curriculum that focused on several aspects of reading necessary for efficient and effective reading. Incorporated various strategies leading to mastery of comprehension, vocabulary development, and systematic approaches to textbook study, note taking and test taking.
- Reading In-Service staff training includes handouts, materials and a PowerPoint presentation. In-service agenda includes:
- English classes – A mixed bag of English, Special Education and Reading
- Brain research and the reading process
- Components of reading
- Reading research and theories
- Reading disabilities
- Locating and correcting reading disabilities, numerous strategies
- Reading comprehension, guide and strategies
- Reading assessments
- Active reading
- Reading and study skills